You expect to make money from event organisers by letting them  submit events on your site. However, launching a multi-city port can be a challenge for you because you don’t know which event directory wordpress theme includes all curial functionalities for the admin and users.

In order to help you eliminate stress in choosing a perfect theme, we will give you a collection of the 3 best event marketplace  directory themes.

You can use this guide as a reference to make a decision which theme is the most suitable for you

MEUP – The Event Marketplace Directory Theme

Meup Best Event Marketplace Directory Theme
Meup Best Event Marketplace Directory Theme

Meup is designed for Concert, Conferences, Events, Meetups, Sports, Exhibitions and even cinemas. Meup is not only an event template but also a directory listing marketplace WordPress theme which will help you create, manage and monetize a local or global directory site that includes a wide range of functionality for the admin and users.

The Notable Features

  • Support both online and offline events:  With online events: Customers will receive link and password via Email Notification to enter events on Webinars ( Zoom, Google Meeting) . With offline events: allow customers to choose tickets according to the Seat Code List, SMap or Auto Seat.
  • Ticket Booking Form: Customers can purchase event tickets with some clicks: Select Start dates, ticket types, the number of tickets, payment method – online or offline, Enter discount code and personal details, Complete payment in checkout form.
  • Check-in Functionality: Eliminate pressure of the event registration process. The theme offers 2 ways: check in directly on the site, check in via App with QR code.
  • Event Calendar: Display the start date and end date of events. Allow to show calendar according to days, weeks, months and list.
    Automatic Email Notification.
    Customers will receive an Automated Confirmation Email after finishing getting paid ( includes information of orders and  a PDF of ticket attached to QR Code that is used for the Registration process – An Automate Reminder Email sent x days before the start date of the event.
  • User Front-end Dashboard: This helps organisers to create their events ( event information and organiser details ), track their sales, edit-delete-renew their posts.


  • Have perfect features for building an event marketplace site: User Front-end Dashboard, Accept online payments, Automatic Email Notification and Event Calendar for each event.
  • Support virtual events: Provide Link and password for visitors to join virtual events on webinars
  • Support Registration process: Help this process rapidly by checking in on the website or via App.
  • No Additional Fee: you don’t need to buy any additional plugins or softwares to get it up and run.


  • Higher price
  • No counter, no countdow

TICKETBOX –  The Event Marketplace Directory Theme

Best Event Marketplace Directory Theme
TicketBox – Best Event Marketplace Directory Theme

The Standard And Advanced Features

  • Events view with many styles: 1. List view ( 2 column – 3 column ), 2. calendar view ( all events will be shown in a calendar ), 3. today View, 4. single events ( full width, with sidebar …), 5. map view, week view, photo view ( event calendar pro )
  • Counter: Thanks to this functionality, visitors will know some important information of the site:  how many tickets sold, great customers, happy clients, supporter & partner
  • Event Countdown: Create a countdown clock displaying days, hours, minutes and seconds until the state date of an event.
  • Pricing Plan: Enable to instal pricing package for customers to purchase tickets.
  • The Online Shopping feature: Clients can build their own online stores on site to sell products.
  • Upcoming Events $ Featured Events: Support the site show Upcoming Events and Featured Events to attract customers’ attention.
  • Submit events: Organisers can create their events on site. They allow Vendors to submit events to boost their sales. Vendors can set up event information ( Event Name, Description, Gallery, Cost, Start Date, End Date … ), Organiser details ( Name, Email …)
  • Set normal events and recurring events: There are many events happening once but there are numerous recurring events, so the theme supports creating both kinds of events. 


  • Add an online store
  • Include many important features: Testimonial, Countdown, Counter, Map View, Featured Events, Upcoming Event …


  • No Event Management and registration management features for vendors: Vendors don’t be supported in managing events, tracking sales, editing or upgrading events … 
  • No Check-in Functionality

EVENTICA –  The Event Marketplace Directory Theme

Best Event Marketplace Directory Theme
Eventica-Best Event Marketplace Directory Theme

Eventica is an event calendar and eCommerce WordPress Theme that is designed for event listing and online store. 

The Awesome Features

  • Supply 3 distinct homepages: You will choose homepage style for your site depending on your own need. These Demos make your site have standard features and additional extentions.
    – Demo #1 is for everyone who wants to create an events calendar site plus additional shop features.
    – Demo #2 is for everyone who wants to use The Event Calendar Pro plugin. If you want to use this plugin, you need to purchase separately.
    – Demo #3 is for everyone who wants to sell multi-tickets per event using WooCommerce
  • View events with m any different ways: List View, Month View, Day View, Past Events, Single Event.
  • Venue Page: List all venues where events are held coming with Gallery, venue facilities and direction.
  • Offer 2 different blogger styles: Single Post and Category with many post forms supported such as Gallery, Image, Audio, Video, Quote.
  • Online Shop Functionality: Let you build an online store with Woocommerce. This feature helps your visitors boost sales and enhance their shopping experience. Items will be listed according to Single Product or Product Variations
  • Submit Events: Allow Vendors to submit events to boost their sales. Vendors can set up event information ( Event Name, Description, Gallery, Cost, Start Date, End Date … ), Organiser Information ( Name, Email …)


  • Outstanding Design
  • Low Pric
  • Add online shopping Featur
  • List view by days, months and past events, so customers will find out events quickly.


  • No Event Management and registration management features for vendors: This makes it difficult for vendors when they need to track sales, manage orders, edit events … after submitting their events. If you want to own these features, you have to buy an expensive plugin separately.
  • No Check-in Functionality

In conclusion, The event marketplace listing directory themes i have commended above will be the best choices for your site.