In the past, everyone usually went to a particular destination to purchase tickets. But nowadays, with the rapid growth of the internet, people’s shopping habits have changed, instead of waiting in a long line to buy tickets, people often own tickets by purchasing directly on event sites. 

Therefore, most businesses on the globe are spending the majority of resources to drive online ticket sales. This creates fierce competition between event companies and forces small businesses into facing numerous challenges to how to sell tickets online.

This article will show the best ways to help small business boost online ticket sales as quickly as possible:

1. Have An Professional Event Site

Meup Event WordPress theme
An event website to sell tickets online

If you are an owner of event business and you don’t have any coding knowledge, you can hire a developing firm to help you to design an event website.

But in this article, I will tell you a smarter way for small businesses like you. While hiring a developing firm to build your event site will take a huge amount, using a wordpress event template or any event theme you like will save much money. 

You don’t need any technical experience or knowledge of coding to use event themes while they still help you create a site looking professional and making the buying process simple for your customers as well as enhance user experience when entering the site.

Have 2 options for you to pick up: 

  • You can use a #landing page  that offers much more streamlined experience for users because all event details from: time, venue, speakers, testimonials, program schedule, countdown timer, registration form … all will be showcased on one page. #An event one page  will be suitable if you only want to focus on promoting an only event.
  • You can choose a #wordPress multipurpose event template   when you have many events to publish because #these multipurpose event themes  will support you listing all events and presenting them in various ways.

And I think that the best event template  is a template that supports booking online tickets, accepting online payment and speeds up the checking-in process based on QR code. 

2. Create Event Description, Event Pictures Or A Video

Event description, event pictures and event videos influence greatly the buying decision of clients.

Event Description: should be clear but brief to grab attendees’ attention. Specially, you need to showcase the difference of your event, compared to other thousands of events as well as what benefits attendees can receive when taking part in your event. 

Event pictures: insteading of adding a simple picture that will make visitors bored, you should post a bunch of high-resolution images. 

Event Video: You only have 8 seconds to attract someone’s attention. This is the reason why interactive features, like vivid videos, are so effective when you want to impress customers.

3. Add A Registration Form Or A Booking Form

the booking form sample with seats of Meup event wordpress theme
the booking form sample with seats of Meup event wordpress theme

Logically, when Customers love your event, they will want to make sure that they can own a ticket. Therefore, your site should have a registration form where they can fill out some personal information or a booking form where customers can order a ticket and make a payment right on the side.

4. Make An Online Payment Process Simply

The simple payment process will make a good impression with your customers  because they can get paid for event tickets without a lot of effort. To do this, you need to set up several payment methods conveniently and rapidly

2 the best options for you to choose:

  •  Require client to get paid through your bank accounts
  •  Get paid through payment gateways such as Stripe, Payone, Paypal …

5. Display Speakers on Your Event Site

Speakers is an important factor to lure visitors’ attention for an event, so if you have fantastic industry speakers, you should showcase those awesome speakers to increase reputation for your event brand.

6. Add Customer Testimonials

Event Large companies shared that their sales increase by 20-25% when they add testimonials to your event site. The newest research turned on that most people’s buying decisions will be influenced when they read  positive online testimonials .  

7. Post A Link On Social Networking Sites, Niche Forums And Blogs

Nowadays, clients spend much time surfing the internet, so posting a link to your event page on social networking sites, forums and blogs can help you to fuel online ticket sales with the low cost. 

However, before Posting your event link, you should consider carefully what social networking sites, niche forums and blogs are effective. The site that you post the link has to be a site potential your audience loves.

8. Offer A Group Discount

You can offer a group discount, so someone who loves your events will ask his friends to take part in it with him to receive a group discount. It is an amazing way with low cost to sell tickets online without a lot of marketing effort.

9. Create An Email Marketing Campaign

An previous email list of attendees from the past events is really valuable. You can use this email list to let them know about your upcoming events and offer discount codes that they can share with their friends. This way is perfect for small business because it is efficient and economical.

10. Convey A Sense Of Urgency

Countdown timer for events
Countdown timer for events

To create exclusivity or fear of missing out, you can use some clever tricks to sell tickets online. For instance: publicly display the number of tickets left for your event and the cutoff dates after which the tickets will no longer be available. 

11. Track Your Sales

The reason why keeping tracks of your sales is important is that it helps you prevent the further losses and make smart decisions based on the numbers you can see. 

When you track event sales, you will know when people are buying tickets and you also will notice which resources visitors who are buying tickets are coming.

If you want to use an event theme to build an event site that sells ticket online, you should choose event templates supporting tracking sales right on the sites.

12. Take Care Of Your Partners

With the tight budget of a small business, selling online tickets in a short time period is a big challenge. Therefore, you should find and build a sustainable relationship with partners who have many experiences in driving tickets online to help you get to market as quickly as possible. 

The reason why you need partners:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Doubling your resources 
  • Sharing knowledge

The wise ways to motivate them are:

  • Offer a good commission 
  • Offer an impressive event: your partners will don’t expect to promote an event that is boring and don’t bring a lot of value because with such an event, they will be difficult to reach out and persuade the audience.

13. Sell Tickets Online On Free Event Listing Websites

Nowadays, there are numerous event technology platforms such as Eventbrite, tickettailor, ticketleap … allowing you to freely create your events and sell tickets right on these event listing sites. 

Why promoting your events on event marketplaces is the one of the best ways:

  • Increasing online ticket sales quickly: With powerful discovery channels, robust marketing tools, and industry-leading conversion rates of the event listing sites. , it is easy for you to sell more tickets.
  • Increase brand recognition: With efficient marketing campaigns , these event marketplace sites are ideal for you to get in touch with millions of people all over the world.
  • Save time and cost: Thanks to these sites helping you a hand in selling tickets, you can have more time to focus on the quality of events. Besides, you don’t have to invest  much money in selling tickets online

Nowadays, most of event companies choose to sell tickets online right on  their site, but how to drive online ticket sales is not easy for small businesses. Therefore, you should try out our tips and find out which ways is siutable for your event company.